MagniLink Vision Premium - FHD MLV-FHD  HMS nr:


Med tanke på brukeren

LVI Low Vision International har utviklet et modulært system som lar deg tilpasse og velge din egen modell.


Har du spørsmål om dette produktet?


*Alle modeller kan justeres i høyden for optimal lesestilling.
*Papirstoppen i midten av leseplaten gjør det lettere å navigere og lar deg holde armene inntil kroppen når du jobber.
*Alle deler i aluminium og plast er resirkulerbare.
*Hvert produkt er individuelt testet for optimal bildekvalitet.
*Håndterer alle lysforhold, og brukeren kan velge mellom ulike belysningsmoduser.


Følgende tekst er på engelsk, fra vår internasjonale database.


Are you a Mac user?

Then you should use the software MagniLink MacViewer that enables your MagniLink Video Magnifier to operate with your Mac computer. If you want to download the software MagniLink MacViewer follow the link here (for macOS version 10.14 or later) and go to the tab "Programware". 

For old versions of macOS you can download:

MagniLink S software v 2.5 Full version for Mac 
(for macOS versions 10.11 to 10.14)
MagniLink S software v 2.3 Full version for Mac
(for macOS versions older than 10.11)                                                       




Are you a PC user?

Then you should use the software MagniLink PCViewer that enables your MagniLink Video Magnifier to operate with your PC. If you want to download the software MagniLink PCViewer follow the link here and go to the tab "Programvare". 


End User Configuration, EUC software available for all PC users

A configuration program that can individually modify the settings according to the user, for ex magnification (max min), guiding line (colour thickness), curtains, lighting, grey scale and artificial colours. Finding specific settings or sometimes removing functions will facilitate both for the user and the low vision therapist/trainer. This is a free software from LVI. You will need a USB cable (standard-A plug and standard B-plug) to transfer the EUC software to your MagniLink Vision. The EUC software and the cable can be ordered from LVI.

End User Configuration Software          Size  Download

EUC version 2.1.8 (Zip-file)

67 MB     


MagniLink Vision Split Plug in

Access all desktop even in split mode when running ZoomText or SuperNova.

MagniLink Vision Split plug in                Size       Download
Vision Split plug in (.exe file) 3 MB