MagniLink PCViewer

HMS nr:

MagniLink PCViewerTM er en innovativ programvare som brukes på en PC for å vise bilder fra et MagniLink forstørrende videosystem. 

Har du spørsmål om dette produktet?

Programvaren styrer kameraets egenskaper, for eksempel forstørrelsesgrad, kunstige farger og lysnivå, og gir brukeren mulighet gjøre individuelle tilpasninger for best mulig opplevelse.

Funksjonalitet MagniLink PCViewerTM:

  • Ulike farge- og lysinnstillinger, f.eks. naturlige og kunstige farger. 
  • Ulike forstørrelsesgrader. 
  • Låsbar autofokus. 
  • Ta og vise bilder. 
  • Spille inn og vise videoopptak. 
  • Speilvende, rotere og fryse bilder. 
  • Automatiske oppdateringer (krever Internett) 
  • Ulike hjelpelinjer forenkler lesingen.
  • Flere muligheter til å endre og tilpasse etter individuelle behov på EUC-fanen (End User Configuration).
  • Styring av funksjonene på ulike måter. Enten via menyer, hurtigtaster på tasta-turet eller knapper på kameraets kontrollpanel. 
  • Konfigurering av egne hurtigtaster. 
  • Kamerabildet plassert øverst/lengst frem blant alle åpnede applikasjoner. 
  • Velg og veksle mellom flere visninger.
  • Kompatibel med programmene SuperNova og ZoomText. 
  • Støtte for motordrevne kameraer i MagniLink AIR-familien.
  • Støtte for flere videostrømmer og delt bilde mellom disse, for eksempel samtidig bruk av flere MagniLink-kameraer. 
  • Mulighet for å velge hvilke bildevisningsmoduser du vil ha tilgjengelig når du viser bilder fra flere kameraer.
  • Noteringsverktøy med mulighet til å tegne, forstørre og panorere i bildet.

Utrolig noteringsverktøy
Det nyttige noteringsverktøyet gir deg muligheten til å tegne, skrive, forstørre og panorere i bilder. Du kan enkelt velge å navigere mellom bilder, og det finnes flere forskjellige funksjoner for å sette inn tekst, tegning samt skrive med en "vanlig" penn eller bruke markeringspenn i forskjellig farge og størrelse. Du kan også lagre og åpne bildet du har laget notater på. Verktøyet passer for eksempel godt til å markere i tekster, eller fylle ut skjemaer eller prøver, som deretter enkelt kan lagres eller sendes videre.

Vise flere bilder samtidig
MagniLink PCViewer kan vise bilder fra flere tilkoblede MagniLink-kamerasystemer samtidig, hvis du ønsker det. Brukeren kan enkelt vise flere kamerabilder samtidig ved å dele skjermen på forskjellige måter, for eksempel for å vise et bilde fra et avstandskamera og et fra et lesekamera. Dette kan for eksempel være veldig praktisk for elever i et klasserom som ønsker å kunne se (via avstandskameraet) hva læreren gjør foran tavlen, samtidig som de (via lesekameraet) ser et forstørret bilde fra skoleboken.


I innstillinger kan du velge hvilke bildevisningsmoduser du vil ha tilgjengelig når du viser bilder fra flere kameraer.

Støtte for motordrevne kameraer i MagniLink AIR-familien
Hvis du bruker motoriserte kameraer fra den nyeste produktgruppen vår, MagniLink AIR, kan du styre kameraene rett fra programvaren med ikoner, med tastaturet eller ved å dra med musepekeren i kamerabildet. Du kan også lagre opptil tre forskjellige kameraposisjoner, som for eksempel vil gjøre det enklere for elever som har behov for å bytte raskt mellom forskjellige kameraposisjoner. Da kan eleven for eksempel enkelt med bare et knappetrykk gå fra å se læreren ved tavlen til en annen lagret kameraposisjon, for eksempel for å se døren når noen kommer inn i klasserommet.


Valgfri TTS 
Programvaren kan leveres med en OCR-lisens som gjør det mulig å få opplest tekst ved hjelp av den innebygde talesyntesen.. Den OCR-behandlede teksten kan vises i en rekke ulike bildevisningsmoduser synkronisert med tale. Man kan OCR-behandle tekst fra et bilde som tas med det tilkoblede MagniLink-kameraet, men man kan også hente inn andre dokumenter i programmet for å få dem OCR-behandlet. Du kan lagre det som er OCR-behandlet, som en lydfil (.wav), og du kan forstørre og navigere i OCR-bilder. Du kan også lime inn tekst i programmet.

Hvis du har kjøpt tilvalget TTS (tekst til tale) kan du nå også bruke programvaren frittstående/standalone, dvs. uten tilkoblet lesekamera. Da kan du få allerede lagrede tekst- eller bildedokumenter OCR-behandlet og teksten opplest av talesyntese. Ved kjøp av lesekameraet MagniLink S Premium, MagniLink Pro eller noen av våre MagniLink AIR kameraer inngår PCViewer, og hvis du nå velger til TTS, inngår også standalone-funksjonen. Man kan også kjøpe til TTS og standalone senere. 

Anbefalte systemkrav:
Microsoft Windows 7 eller nyere. 
1 integrert USB 3.0-port 
i5- eller i7-prosessor, 4 GB RAM minne, eksternt grafikkort med minst 512 MB innebygd minne. 

MagniLink PCViewerTM er beregnet for PC. Det finnes lignende programvare, men ikke med nøyaktig samme funksjonalitet, for Mac, Chromebook og iPad.




Følgende tekst er på engelsk, fra vår internasjonale database.


Below you can download the software MagniLink PCViewer that enalbles your MagniLink Video Magnifier to operate with your PC.


If you don´t have a licensed MagniLink camera the words “Unvalid license” will be present at the screen. After a few minutes the picture will disappear. If you want to test a few more minutes you can restart the camera again.


Choose either the "Full version" for a complete software, including almost all available languages (note that the large file size can cause significant download time) or the "No language version" (best choice for everyone not using a text-to-speech-model).


Users with a Text-to-speech-model can complete the "No language version" with the languages in use, notice that then the OCR Package must be installed.  


If you use Google Chrome as a browser and have trouble downloading the software, right-click and choose "Open in new tab" or try another browser.


April 17, 2024

MagniLink PCViewer v Full version PC 

MagniLink PCViewer v No Language version PC   

MagniLink PCViewer Arabic language
MagniLink PCViewer AU English language
MagniLink PCViewer Belgian Dutch language
MagniLink PCViewer Bulgarian language
MagniLink PCViewer CA French language
MagniLink PCViewer Croatian language
MagniLink PCViewer Czech language
MagniLink PCViewer Danish language
MagniLink PCViewer Dutch language 
MagniLink PCViewer Finnish language
MagniLink PCViewer French language
MagniLink PCViewer German language
MagniLink PCViewer Greek language
MagniLink PCViewer Hebrew language
MagniLink PCViewer Hungarian language
MagniLink PCViewer Italian language
MagniLink PCViewer Mexican Spanish language
MagniLink PCViewer Norwegian language
MagniLink PCViewer Polish language
MagniLink PCViewer Portuguese language
MagniLink PCViewer Romanian language
MagniLink PCViewer Russian language
MagniLink PCViewer Slovak language
MagniLink PCViewer Spanish language
MagniLink PCViewer Swedish language
MagniLink PCViewer Turkish language
MagniLink PCViewer UK English language
MagniLink PCViewer US English language


MagniLink PCViewer OCR Package
MagniLink PCViewer WiFi (for MagniLink AIR)  
































MagniLink PCViewer - updates in version (April 17, 2024) 

New features


  • In settings, you can choose which split modes you want available when displaying images from multiple cameras.
  • Support for MagniLink AIR Go.
  • Ability to change light with hand control (XBox).


Bug fixes


  • Camera views do no longer display “License Invalid” when a standalone license is present.
  • Fixed synchronization issue when running multiple cameras.


MagniLink PCViewer - update 230630

The WiFi package is updated to support the latest version of MagniLink AIR Framegrabber. 


MagniLink PCViewer - updates in version (November 28, 2022)


New features

  • Polish localization which means that menus and icons in the software can be displayed in Polish.


Bug fixes

  • Clicking F8 (next view) toggled two steps forward in the views when running together with ZoomText.


MagniLink PCViewer - updates in version


New features

  • Stepless rotation.
  • Presets also saves artificial colors rotations and more.
  • Possible to use keyboard to zoom and pan in notepad.
  • Rotations in notepad.
  • Possible to make hotkeys global.
  •  Active camera and splitmode is saved.
  •  Animation when switching split mode.

Bug fixes 

  • Fixed video recording bugg from 10.3.x.x
  • Paste and OCR.
  • Fixed bugg in the "Enter license" dialog.
  • Overview mode in the control unit.
  • Removed features not accessible in the control unit.
  • Improvements regarding accessibility:
           - Replaced the color dropdown button with two buttons (same as MacViewer).
           - Possible to trigger mode change with space or enter.
           - Easier to select font in the dropdown list.
           - Slide switches for volume and speechrate are now in tab order and can be changed by the keyboard.
           - Improved navigation in settings menu.
           - Improved focus visibility.


MagniLink PCViewer - updates in version


  • Notepad with lots of features for drawing, marking and writing in a document. The tool is, for example, excellent for marking in texts or filling in forms or exams that then easily can be saved or forwarded.
  • Support for multiple video streams and split screen between them, such as the use of multiple simultaneous Magnilink cameras. 
  • Support for motorized cameras in the MagniLink AIR family. You can control these cameras directly from the software via icons, via the keyboard or by dragging the mouse pointer in the camera image. You can also store up to three different camera positions which for example facilitates for a student who quickly needs to switch between different camera positions.
  • Portuguese localization which means that menus and icons in the software can be displayed in Portuguese.
  • PCViewer mouse pointer replaced with standard Windows mouse pointer
  • Minor bug fixes



MagniLink PCViewer - updates in version


New features

  • It is now possible to use MagniLink PCViewer as a standalone software, without the need for an LVI camera.
  • Minimized mode has been added to the Split Mode (F8) rotation.

Bug fixes 

  • PCViewer no longer crashes when the cursor is placed on certain buttons during launch.
  • Automatic Updates On/Off is now saved correctly when the box is ticked using Spacebar.
  • Saving OCR as a .WAV file will no longer stop SAPI-voices from working.
  • The video feed will no longer magically appear when it is set to minimized (F8).
  • OCR notification will now display correctly during CCTV-mode with SuperNova & ZoomText.
  • Start/Resume reading will now start reading even when used quickly after lowering/increased reading speed.
  • Ctrl + M & F8 will no longer make a sound when used together with SuperNova & ZoomText in CCTV-mode.
  • The video feed will no longer cut out if you switch between OCR-view and Camera-view with the video feed frozen.
  • It is no longer necessary to press B twice to leave the quiet mode.
  • Notification for Ctrl + C with ZoomText in CCTV-mode now displays as intended.
  • PCViewer will no longer crash if documents are dragged and dropped for OCR in quick succession.
  • The video feed will no longer cut off if you press F4 and F5 in quick succession.
  • It is no longer necessary to press F5 twice after the Save As dialog has been discarded.
  • Fonts are no longer placed on top of each other in the drop-down list.
  • The application no longer says slower/faster, softer/louder when it reads a document.
  • Fixed flickering in quiet mode with SuperNova
  • SAPI voices no longer skips a block when navigating.
  • Speech now starts every time a file is opened (if start speech after OCR is checked).
  • Controlling Volume & Speed with SAPI-voices is no longer slow.
  • Application no longer crashes when OCR on a language not localized when no localized voices are installed.
  • The reference line no longer gets the background color. It gets the foreground color
  • Some SAPI voices had problem with Unicode character U+25A0. Al such characters are removed from the OCR result.
  • Application could crash when pressing F2 or F3 in standalone mode if no colors where available
  • Ctrl + C together with Supernova no longer crashes the application.
  • Video no longer becomes black when the video is frozen together with supernova.
  • ZoomText and SuperNova camera switches from fullscreen if settings are accessed
  • Column selector now works.
  • Icon for play pause is now updated when navigating sentence and block
  • F8 now first activates the window when it is minimized
  • Default now sets the voice to a voice with the same language as the application.
  • OCR on 32-bit versions of windows.
  • OCR problem with Icelandic voices
  • Crash when trying to activate licenses manually in the about dialog.
  • Crash when dialog showing licensed features not installed. And the information was off missing Italian.

Known issues

  • (Ctrl + R) by default should rotate clockwise but currently rotates counter clockwise.
  • Changing Split Mode (F8) does not work when ZoomText is on and CCTV-mode is off.
  • Read Commands will in some instances conflict with other commands that are read aloud using TTS.
  • Autofocus on/off will slightly adjust the width of the Ribbon menu.
  • Some icons are blurry when the GUI is scaled up.
  • A tooltip display "Settings F9" can sometimes incorrectly appear.
  • Sliders can sometimes display two different values
  • Higher text size in Windows can create a scrollbar in the Change Color drop down.
  • The Split Modes (F8) are incorrect in the beginning when used with ZoomText / SuperNova.
  • When increasing reading speed from 70 to 80 PCViewer will skip a few words.
  • A green image is incorrectly displayed when PCViewer is launched without a camera.
  • During the launch of either ZoomText or SuperNova the video feed in PCViewer will jerk around.
  • Navigation with letter by letter will incorrectly stop the Start button icon from updating.
  • Video recording on a PC with low performance is unreliable.
  • Switching voice with Ctrl + O when SuperNova is active does not work.
  • Split Modes (F8) with ZoomText in CCTV-mode using multiple monitors does not work as intended.
  • Navigating through settings with Tab does not work as intended.



MagniLink PCViewer - updates in version


New features

  • Tooltips in the menu now displays the shortcut keys.
  • It is now possible to change the color of the reference line in the EUC-tab.
  • It is now possible to enlarge and navigate in the OCR-picture.
  • More possibilities for navigating in quiet mode.
  • Possible to hide the application by Ctrl + H when running it together with ZoomText or SuperNova. If SuperNova or ZoomText is not active, Ctrl + H will hide the ribbon instead.
  • Possible to paste text into the program by Ctrl + V.
  • Possible to control the pan/tilt of a distance camera.
  • Possible to save OCR result as a sound file (.wav).
  • The application will display a message if the camera is licensed for a feature but the corresponding component is not installed.
  • PCViewer now gives feedback when using the keys to change volume and speech rate.

Bug fixes 

  • F12 now open the Norwegian instead of the English manual when the application language is Norwegian.
  • Application no longer switches from Norwegian to English when accessing the application settings.
  • Default-buttons now works correctly.
  • Program now works better when connected to a USB2 port.
  • Possible to zoom etc. in the menu with the space key.
  • Text in the ribbon-buttons now aligns better.
  • Improved accuracy for Arabic text.
  • Mouse click no longer starts speech in quiet mode.
  • The hotspot of the mouse cursor is changed from (5,5) to (0,0).
  • SAPI voices now works correctly.
  • Better coloring in the OCR image modes.
  • The application now remembers its position after a restart.
  • The application now saves the camera resolution.
  • Load profile now updates the graphical user interface (GUI) correctly.
  • Improved stability together with ZoomText.
  • Improved stability together with SuperNova.